10 Ways to Fell Awesome without Expending a Penny

The secret to a happy life does not need to be Complicated or involve getting a large amount of money.There are lots of stuffs are there we can do to make a healthy and satisfied lifestyle.
Most of them are easy to execute and we need not to expend a single penny on it.

Our feelings is in our own hands it depends on how we see things. Either we get happy or worried in response to a action or reaction.Its our mentality which makes us worried on tiny things. All the human beings has their own nature and behaviours.
We always tends to fall in the well watching others. All we need to do is focus on ourselves and find find out the ways to feel happy.

Here are some quick steps which you can follow to lead happiness to awesome.

1 Wake up happy

Always try to take a healthy sleep. You should try to sleep for 8 hours a day either you can sleep continuously 8 hours or your can cover it with some little power snaps.When you daily take a sleep of 8 hours it has enormous impact on your body and your lifestyle.
It will also help you today's common problem depression up to a level.When you get a healthy sleep you will always wake up happy and it will lead you to a flourished life.

2 Take a walk

Always try to walk in morning alone or along with your friends and beloved one's in the fresh air.You can get a walk in near by park or getting off to the bus stand earlier.Walking is not only good for health but it also releases mood-boosting endorphin which helps in erasing stress,releasing tension and raising your spirits.

3 Give time to yourself

Give time to yourself for once daily,stay away from the nagging devices like your Smartphone,laptops, tabs and the rest.We need to use technology only to feel good we never need to stick to it.We need to see in ourselves about our capabilities and weakness,We need to draw focus on improvement of ourselves.

4 Phone a friend

There is a saying "Problem shared is a problem halved', If you are feeling like you have got the world on your shoulders,the best solution could come in the form of picking up the phone to a trusted friend. Talking over concerns and worries can alleviate feeling of anxiety which in turn makes for a happier and more positive outlook on life. If you don't have any friend who can listen to you? Then read a good book as books are always the Best friends.

5 Stop expecting

Expectations ruin you,They are just a waste of time. The lesser you expect,the greater you are surprised and flourish in your own way. In today's world learn to be open and be welcome all things in life either positive or negative. It will boost up your maturity and you will start moving to a good fortunate and getting the feeling of awesomeness.

6 Stop delaying

We always need to stick to our targets no matters what comes in between us. We always opt to achieve our targets within the deadline. It have always been sounds difficult to accomplish your task within the deadlines but once you achieved it you will taste the satisfaction derived from it that has no bounds. Always the satisfaction level is higher then then the delayed one's,and it leads a smile on our face which has no comparison.

7 Listen to music

Listen to songs when you feel down as we all know the power of the music. It soothes your brain and shifts your moods.Enjoyment goes far beyond the present moment,as it directly influences the outcome of our hormones and cognitive functioning. Research shows that listening to music improves our mental well being and physical health and many times it boost up our moods and giving a feeling of awesomeness as we feel the lyrics somewhere attached to our lives.

8 Appreciate yourself

Acknowledge your work,your efforts and most importantly yourself. Yes that you are a glorious expect it or you can't expect this world to accept you if you cant accept yourself. Don't forget to think about big and little accomplishments. These may seem like minor acts in the grand scheme of life but they are what makes us feel whole ,happy and accomplished along the journey towards those larger,and much more deeply satisfying moments. Give yourself permission to toot your horn and don't wait for anyone to praise you.

9 Explore things 

Always try to indulge in things happening around enjoy them because living in the present is synonyms to feeling awesome.If you keep doing things the same way you always have,you will easily fall into a rut.To feed your creativity,you have to step out and try new things and satisfy your thirst for something different and reap the rewards.Exploring new things always boost up your confidence. it shows you what you have and what it takes will make you feel better about yourself. Its a great way to break out with your daily routine.Wake your brain up and tell it that you are not here for a motion but for a purpose.

10 Write down how you Feel

Write down your thoughts and inner voice on a paper or in diary as its one of the best way to talk to yourself. Take time to write your achievements and failures down. You can also create a log of success every day and review it when you faced with new challenges. By writing daily we are securing it in our long term memory and it will become a part of yourself strength. 

If you have any tips to lead a happier life share it in comments 

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