Smokers Vs Non-Smokers. These Twins Are Sure To Make You Dump This Bad Habit

Ever since we were a child, we have been told that smoking is a bad habit. And even as we grew up, till this very point, we continue to see anti-smoking campaigns being carried out every now and then, every here and there. This only hints that there are still several people addicted to smoking, and what's even sadder is that most of them know the risks. But sometimes, knowing is not good enough.
Sometimes, we only understand the severity of a certain situation only when we are made to experience it, through some form or the other.
So, here we are with a set of pictures of smoking vs non-smoking twins. As they are twins, they should look almost alike, right? But they don't, and it's all because of smoking! Perhaps this will help you realize how awful it is and help you quit this bad habit. Check it out!

Smoking does look and feel cool!

But are you prepared to die for it?

Apparently, many people are!
And the worst thing is that it's an informed the decision. They know what the risks are, and still smoke anyway!

Perhaps they don't understand the gravity of the situation...

And so, here we are with something that could help them see it

1. The one on the left has been smoking for 17 years.
The difference is quite evident.

2. It's easy to guess which one's the smoker...
It's the one on the right- has been smoking for 14 years!

3. The difference is gruesome!
The one on the right has been smoking for 16 years...

4. Which one's the smoker?
Obviously the left one! She's been smoking half a pack of cigarettes for the past 14 years!

5. Find the smoker!

The woman on the right has been smoking 2 cigarettes a day!

6. The woman on the right is a smoker.
The difference isn't as striking as the earlier ones though.

7. Easy to spot the smoker here, right?
It's the one on the right.

8. Same case is here!
The woman on the left is a smoker.

As soon as you stop smoking your body begins to repair itself. Typical benefits of quitting are:

Within 6 hours
Your heart rate slows and your blood pressure becomes more stable.

Within a day
Almost all of the nicotine is out of your bloodstream.
The level of carbon monoxide in your blood has dropped and oxygen can more easily reach your heart and muscles.    
Your fingertips become warmer and your hands steadier.

Within a week
Your sense of taste and smell may improve.
Your lungs’ natural cleaning system is starting to recover, becoming better at removing mucus, tar and dust from your lungs (exercise helps to clear out your lungs).
You have higher blood levels of protective antioxidants such as vitamin C.

Within 3 months
You’re coughing and wheezing less.
Your immune system is beginning its recovery so your body is better at fighting off infection.
Your blood is less thick and sticky and blood flow to your hands and feet has improved.

Within 6 months

You are less likely to be coughing up phlegm.
You're likely to feel less stressed than when you were smoking.

After 1 year

Your lungs are now healthier and you’ll be breathing easier than if you’d kept smoking.

Within 2 to 5 years

There is a large drop in your risk of heart attack and stroke and this risk will continue to gradually decrease over time.
For women, within five years, the risk of cervical cancer is the same as someone who has never smoked.
After 10 years
Your risk of lung cancer is lower than that of a continuing smoker (provided the disease was not already present when you quit).

After 15 years
Your risk of heart attack and stroke is close to that of a person who has never smoked.
How fast and how well your body recovers can depend on the number of cigarettes you normally smoke and how long you’ve been smoking, and whether you already have a smoking-related disease.

Will you quite smoking ?
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