What Should You Do? The Skill of Independent Decision Making for Admin Professionals.

Some administrative employees complain of bosses who micromanage them. That is, the manager or executive tells the admin what to do, how to do it, when to do it, etc. — and checks back frequently to see how it’s going. Likewise, things are not always just dandy for some employers who aren’t micromanagers but have employees who seem to need or want micromanagement. The employee asks what do you need me to do, when, how do you want me to do it, is this choice okay with you, how long should I work on this, do you mind if I….

Get the picture? If you are the one frequently “asking” for such micromanagement, perhaps without even realizing it until now, you need to break that habit. That’s not how a valuable administrative professional acts. To be more valuable, you have to learn the skill of independent decision making. Sure, you’re not the boss, and you shouldn’t make all decisions in your office, all the time. But you should make some independent decisions some of the time. Otherwise, you’re adding to your boss’s workload every time he or she has to help you decide something. And how is that “assisting” your manager or executive? You’re the assistant! Continuously work at being a more valuable assistant; it’s an indirect form of job security and a way to raise yourself to new levels of performance in your administrative role and career.

So what kind of decisions can you make as an administrative professional and without consulting your boss? And just how do you actually make a “good” decision anyway? Do you flip a coin? Well, coin flipping is a start in the right direction as now at least you are thinking in terms of independently making a decision without looking to your manger or executive for direction on exactly what to do. But there are better methods and practices to utilize in decision making than coin flipping. Here are just a few examples of decisions you might make and tips for making better decisions in the workplace…


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