Countries which gives most Severe Punishment for Rape
Rape is a crime or Offence !

Rape is a forced sexual intercourse which contains two victims homosexual and heterosexual. In the world, many kinds of the offence are done, but the rape is the worst crime which spread very rapidly all over the world. Mostly Women are the victims, and in our courts, every 2 out of 10 cases related to the rape of women. Another form of rape is sexual assault in which mostly verbal threats included. The shocking thing is that rape cases are not only common in undeveloped countries even the most developed countries also have a highest Rape ratio. It is increasing day by a day. Mostly worse people in world involve in such criminal activity.
To stop this crime, government must provide precise measurements as well as strict punishment announced for the guilty person. There are many countries in the world where rape has become a major crime. In these countries, the government is unable to protect females from this terrible act.

Definitions of rape vary, and though rape is usually dependent upon whether or not consent was present during the act,The term "consent" varies as well, for example,Minors are often considered too young to consent to sexual relations with older persons. Consent is also considered invalid if obtained under duress, or from a person who does not have the ability to understand the nature of the act, due to factors such as young age, mental disability, or substance intoxication.
There are many countries in the world where Rape and sexual assault is commonly done offence weather these countries are developed or developing. Different countries have initiated various steps to get a reduction in such crimes at the universal level. Here we will know about the punishments awarded to rapist in different countries
The meritocratic leadership of China punishes the rapist straight away with a death sentence.

In China, strict punishment is given to rapists. Rape is a brutal crime and a death penalty is declared once the rapist is convicted. This is done by firing a single bullet at the spinal cord joining the neck. Another punishment given to the rapists in China is castration. Castration also known as gonadectomy is any action, surgical, chemical, or otherwise, by which an individual loses use of the testicles. The same punishment is given for other heinous crimes too. It is worth noting if the court proceedings are not too quick.
China offers capital punishment for committing a rape. Plenty of people have been executed until now after they committed a rape. The execution rate in china is very high. The justice is given in such a rapid way that four men have been executed, who were after a couple of years proved innocent.

In China, strict punishment is given to rapists. Rape is a brutal crime and a death penalty is declared once the rapist is convicted. This is done by firing a single bullet at the spinal cord joining the neck. Another punishment given to the rapists in China is castration. Castration also known as gonadectomy is any action, surgical, chemical, or otherwise, by which an individual loses use of the testicles. The same punishment is given for other heinous crimes too. It is worth noting if the court proceedings are not too quick.
China offers capital punishment for committing a rape. Plenty of people have been executed until now after they committed a rape. The execution rate in china is very high. The justice is given in such a rapid way that four men have been executed, who were after a couple of years proved innocent.
In Iran, a rapist is either hanged or shot to death in public. Sometimes the guilty escapes the death penalty by the permission from the victim but is still liable for 100 lashes or life imprisonment.

According to Islamic law, death penalty is essential for rapists. A rapist is given a death sentence in Iran. Even for other crimes, death is the penalty. Sometimes, the rape victim settles the case by taking compensation. In such a case, the rapist gets away with 100 lashes and sometimes imprisonment.
Iran provides complete justice to the people who become a victim of sexual assault; Iran has execution for the rape culprits. Iran offers capital punishment for many crimes and among them 10 to 15% executions are of rape cases. Sadly enough however, the culture here also ends up victimising the person who was raped

According to Islamic law, death penalty is essential for rapists. A rapist is given a death sentence in Iran. Even for other crimes, death is the penalty. Sometimes, the rape victim settles the case by taking compensation. In such a case, the rapist gets away with 100 lashes and sometimes imprisonment.
Iran provides complete justice to the people who become a victim of sexual assault; Iran has execution for the rape culprits. Iran offers capital punishment for many crimes and among them 10 to 15% executions are of rape cases. Sadly enough however, the culture here also ends up victimising the person who was raped
Any kind of sexual assault, even including a French kiss without the consent of one is considered a rape in Netherlands. The rapist is punished with imprisonment ranging from 4 to 15 years depending on the age of convict.

In Netherlands the definition of rape is very vast, any kind of sexual harassment or forced sex, even French kissing without other person's consent is list as rape. The punishment for rape in Netherlands varies from 4 to 15 years imprisonment depending on the age factor of the victim. In many countries the rape of a prostitute is not given much priority but in Netherlands any kind of harassment done to a prostitute (under 18) without her approval can lead to an imprisonment of 4 years. If the person dies after the rape is committed the person will be locked up for 15 years.
So what according to you should a rapist be dealt with? Sometimes the rape cases are extremely sensitive. Some women use this as a tool to extort vulnerable men!
The French are pretty hardcore about their rape laws. They hand out 15 year sentences for rape, which can be extended to 30 or life depending on the extent of damage and brutality.

In France, the punishment of rape is imprisonment. For a rape conducted, the culprit is sentenced to an imprisonment of 15 years however if the victim happens to be very young as in under the age of 15 then the imprisonment period will be increased to 20 years. If the sexual assault becomes the cause of the victim's death then the convict will be imprisoned for a period of 30 years maximum. If the rape is followed by torture or any physical harm then the felon is to be sent to the prison for the life time.
The French are pretty hardcore about their rape laws. They hand out 15 year sentences for rape, which can be extended to 30 or life depending on the extent of damage and brutality.
This dictatorship sentences rapists to death by firing squad. Their lines of justice are so blurred that for all we know, they just use this as a cover up to execute dissidents.

Ruled by the fanatic dictator, North Korea too has no leniency for the crime like rape. Instant justice is given to the rape victim by shooting the rapist in the head by a squad..

In France, the punishment of rape is imprisonment. For a rape conducted, the culprit is sentenced to an imprisonment of 15 years however if the victim happens to be very young as in under the age of 15 then the imprisonment period will be increased to 20 years. If the sexual assault becomes the cause of the victim's death then the convict will be imprisoned for a period of 30 years maximum. If the rape is followed by torture or any physical harm then the felon is to be sent to the prison for the life time.
The French are pretty hardcore about their rape laws. They hand out 15 year sentences for rape, which can be extended to 30 or life depending on the extent of damage and brutality.
This dictatorship sentences rapists to death by firing squad. Their lines of justice are so blurred that for all we know, they just use this as a cover up to execute dissidents.

Ruled by the fanatic dictator, North Korea too has no leniency for the crime like rape. Instant justice is given to the rape victim by shooting the rapist in the head by a squad..
Capital punishment is a legal and often-used form of punishment in North Korea for many offences, such as grand theft, murder, rape, drug smuggling, treason, espionage, political dissidence, defection, piracy, consumption of media not approved by the government and proselytising religious beliefs that contradict practised "self-reliance' ideology. Current working knowledge of the topic depends heavily on the accounts of defectors (both relatives of victims, and former members of the government). Executions are mostly carried out by firing squad, hanging or decapitation in public, making North Korea one of the last six countries to still perform public executions, the other five being Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen.
Rapists in Russia are usually sentenced to 3-6 years in prison. The jail term can go up to more than 10 years depending on the situation, such as if the person causes grievous harm and can be even higher (20 years) if it's a rare case.

The law of Russia provides 3 to 6 years imprisonment against any sexual act done forcefully. If the prey happens to be under 18 or any damage to the health of the victim has been done then the imprisonment will be increased from 4 to 10 years. If the death is the aftermath of the rape caused then the imprisonment will be expanded from 8 to 15 years along with a ban on certain profession and occupations for 20 years and if the victim happens to be under 14 and also dies after the rape then the imprisonment will be increased from 12 to 20 years along with a mandatory restrain of liberty for 2 years and a ban for 20 years which is mentioned above.
Rapists in Russia are usually sentenced to 3-6 years in prison. The jail term can go up to more than 10 years depending on the situation, such as if the person causes grievous harm and can be even higher (20 years) if it's a rare case.

The law of Russia provides 3 to 6 years imprisonment against any sexual act done forcefully. If the prey happens to be under 18 or any damage to the health of the victim has been done then the imprisonment will be increased from 4 to 10 years. If the death is the aftermath of the rape caused then the imprisonment will be expanded from 8 to 15 years along with a ban on certain profession and occupations for 20 years and if the victim happens to be under 14 and also dies after the rape then the imprisonment will be increased from 12 to 20 years along with a mandatory restrain of liberty for 2 years and a ban for 20 years which is mentioned above.
According to the Article 131 of the Criminal Code of Russia, rape is defined as heterosexual vaginal intercourse using violence or threat of violence or if the victim is in a helpless state.
Justice is given to the victim in Afghanistan in just four days by shooting the rapist in the head.

Afghanistan also has a capital punishment for rapper. Afghanistan is a Muslim country and its laws are based on Islam. You are shot with a bullet in the head within the four days if you commit a rape.
Rape in Afghanistan is largely under-reported. In many cases, the victim is punished. Violence against women in Afghanistan reached record levels in 2013, according to the Independent Human Rights Commission of Afghanistan (AIHRC). Women are respected for their virginity, and it is rare for a man to marry a rape victim. Even if the woman gets pregnant, it is uncommon for the rapist to marry her. Thus a woman is now punished for being "impure". The authorities treat such cases as adultery. Even if the woman is not punished, she remains rejected by society as "dishonourable" (badnaam in Pashto), while the rapist is not considered dishonoured
The USA has two kinds of law - state law and federal law. If the rape case falls under the category of federal law, then the rapist is awarded 30 years of imprisonment. Though state laws of rape punishments differ from state to state.

Justice is given to the victim in Afghanistan in just four days by shooting the rapist in the head.

Afghanistan also has a capital punishment for rapper. Afghanistan is a Muslim country and its laws are based on Islam. You are shot with a bullet in the head within the four days if you commit a rape.
Rape in Afghanistan is largely under-reported. In many cases, the victim is punished. Violence against women in Afghanistan reached record levels in 2013, according to the Independent Human Rights Commission of Afghanistan (AIHRC). Women are respected for their virginity, and it is rare for a man to marry a rape victim. Even if the woman gets pregnant, it is uncommon for the rapist to marry her. Thus a woman is now punished for being "impure". The authorities treat such cases as adultery. Even if the woman is not punished, she remains rejected by society as "dishonourable" (badnaam in Pashto), while the rapist is not considered dishonoured
The USA has two kinds of law - state law and federal law. If the rape case falls under the category of federal law, then the rapist is awarded 30 years of imprisonment. Though state laws of rape punishments differ from state to state.

The usual sentence for a convicted rapist here depends on whether the trial falls under state or federal law. In cases under federal law, the punishments can range from a few years to imprisonment for the entirety of the rapist's life span.
Rape in the United States is defined by the Department of Justice as "Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim." While definitions and terminology of rape vary by jurisdiction in the United States, the FBI revised its definition to eliminate a requirement that the crime involve an element of force.
India made its rape punishment laws even stronger after the Anti-Rape Bill passed in 2013. The rapist is either given an imprisonment of 14 years and in rarest of the rare case, the rapist is hanged till death.

Rape is the fourth most common crime against women in India.According to the National Crime Records Bureau 2013 annual report, 24,923 rape cases were reported across India in 2012. Out of these, 24,470 were committed by someone known to the victim (98% of the cases). Some research indicates that only 5-6 % of rape cases in India are reported to the police.

Rape is the fourth most common crime against women in India.According to the National Crime Records Bureau 2013 annual report, 24,923 rape cases were reported across India in 2012. Out of these, 24,470 were committed by someone known to the victim (98% of the cases). Some research indicates that only 5-6 % of rape cases in India are reported to the police.
Most rapes go unreported because the rape victims fear retaliation and humiliation, both in India and throughout the world.Indian parliamentarians have stated that the rape problem in India is being underestimated because large number of cases are not reported, even though more victims are increasingly coming out and reporting rape and sexual assaults.
If a person is convicted of rape, then he is executed in public within days of the trial.
If a person is convicted of rape, then he is executed in public within days of the trial.

Under Sharia law, a law generally enforced by the Islamic states(Islamic Law), punishment imposed by the court on the rapist may range from flogging to execution.However, there is no penal code in Saudi Arabia and there is no written law which specifically criminalises rape or prescribes its punishment. If the rape victim first entered the rapist's company in violation of purdah, she also stands to be punished by the law's current holdings.In addition, there is no prohibition against marital rape or statutory rape.
In Saudi Arabia, rape cases usually target both the defendant and the victim,and in some cases, the victim can be sentenced to even harsher punishment than the assailant.
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