10 Signs Genius People have and they are not Aware of It

10 Unexpected Signs That You Might Be a Genius And You Don't Know it

If you talk to yourself

You may be caught speaking to yourself by the people many a times. As a result you might have faced the humiliation at the instance but the study reveals that talking to oneself is one of the best manners to enhance a person’s self- confidence. In fact, one who talks to himself knows his strengths and weakness in a better way.

Talking to yourself is considered to be a sign of intelligence. Talking to yourself creates order in your thoughts, and the verbal cues help while searching for lost objects.Start talking to yourself to increase the performance and function of your brain. It is crazy not to talk to yourself because you would miss out on the benefits that come with self-talk. The key is to practice doing it until it becomes natural.

Benefits of talking to yourself

  • Your brain work more efficiently
  • Organize thoughts
  • Achieve goals 
  • Relieve stress
  • Foster self-reliance

If you think a lot

“Don’t worry and stay calm” is a very common sentence that is heard frequently. But the reality speaks that if you think a lot and create fuss out of the smallest things, then you show the signs of a genius.Thinking is a double edged sword. It is a very powerful tool which creates what you think, irrelevant of whether you wish it to happen or not. But keep in mind that we always need to think positive.

High scorers on neuroticism have a highly active imagination, which acts as a built-in threat generator,"
Benefits of thinking alot 

  • Approach
  • Save time
  • An appreciation of differing world views
  • Enhanced communications
  • Decision making
  • Get reasoned

 If You enjoy reading

Is it you hobby to read books, newspapers, or journals? Well you are not an introvert or socially inactive soul rather you are an intelligent mid. Reading is an activity which apart from providing you the information can explore the doors for you to work on your creative skills.

Benefits of reading are

  • Muscle up to your memory
  • Keeps your brain young.
  • Melt away stress.
  • Boosts your vocabulary.
  • Encourage life goals.
  • Helps you feel more connected.

If you like to stay up late

Is sleeping in the free time not your cup of tea? Are you a night owl? If yes than tag yourself as smart. There were a number of studies that took place over the past years. Surprisingly it was found that the people who stay up late and work are more intelligent and creative thinkers.

Your brain usually works in overdrive. You need to rest your brain and a nap helps in that. Lack of sleep can slow you down. Naps can help in a quick way to recharge and refresh yourself.

Benefits of staying up late 

  • Higher IQ
  • More creativity
  • Mentally alert
  • sleep schedule is flexible
  • Become calmer

If you are good Listener

It would be your biggest mistake to consider the silent ones of your group to be dumb. They are the ones to grasp knowledge, process thoughts and increase the bandwidth. Hence smarter ones are the silent ones.

Benefits of listening

  • Build deep trust
  • Broadens your perspective
  • Strengthens your patience
  • Makes you an approachable person
  • It makes your mind quiet but alert

If you Doodle

There are two things artists and genius-level individuals have in common,the ability to process abstract thinking effectively. Individuals possessing higher intelligence learn how to express themselves in abstract ways. As typical communication methods fail the advanced mind, theories and ideas present themselves in pictorial form, amongst others. People with higher IQs tend to want to share their ideas and put them down in a way that makes them easier to understand. Artistic pursuits, such as absentminded drawing, may provide an outlet for that inspiration to reach the physical world.

Benefits of Doodling

  • More concentrated
  • Creative Insights
  • Alleviates Stress
  • Learn Better
  • Develop new ideas

Appreciate the weirdness in you

Do not feel awkward to disclose the weird hobbies, choices and outlook. What might look weird to the people is actually the idea of ‘fun’ for the genius minds.

Being wired benefits

  • Every new idea is Weird first
  • Standing out is how you find your tribe
  • All great art was made by weird people
  • The world need more authenticity
  • Being weird makes you memorable
  • There is no such thin as normal

Introverts define perfection

These unsocial and likely-to-be-rude beings of the planet prefer to talk less. This does not mean they have nothing to say rather they save it for some intelligent discussion. Observing and analyzing makes them up into a stronger personality.

Benefits of being introverts

  • More independent
  • Excellent at seeing risk
  • Excellent listeners
  • Good at noticing things
  • Higher imaginations
  • Great focus

If you are sarcastic  

If you are habitual of using a sharp, bitter and cutting expressions or taunting people for a specific reason then you have the quality of a true genius. Sarcasm is a creation of a mind which helps a person to expand his thinking and creative ability. So if you find yourself being sarcastic, feel pride in it.

Being Sarcastic Benefits

  • Sign of good brain health
  • Good at showing Affection
  • More creative
  • Think on another level
  • Help in survival
  • Great problem solvers

If You have curiosity

A person who gets inquisitive to seek the answer of a question is one among those who are determined to achieve what they desire. The insatiable curiosity keeps them charged up every time.  People may find this character trait of yours as annoying but science says that, “The more curiosity you possess, the better are the chances of  progress

Being Curious Benefits

  • More Knowledge
  • An active Mind
  • More opportunities
  • Overcome anxiety
  • Personal growth
  • Increased productivity
Do you Find any of these signs in yourself ?
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