11 Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women’s Bodies!

The world has way too many misconceptions about women - who we are, what we do and our bodies, of course. Since nobody paid attention during Biology classes, the female body is still a mystery to almost all. 

The female anatomy and psychology has always been a mysterious and debatable subject for men, since ages. Despite trying their level best they aren’t successful in understanding the women well. Sorry to say, they have literally failed. I would say blessed are those men who have been able to explore women at least some degree but most of them are still seeking a discussion group that can unknot the enigmatic creation of God.

Talking about men's quandary about women, there are a few misapprehensions they have been living with, since ages. I won’t blame their schooling at all, but there are certain things that are pure common sense. If you are one of those men who have doubts about the female body, then you must get your facts right.

Don’t worry, we have come as saviours - here are 11 misconceptions about women's body that need to be busted once and for all,

1. Women wee blood during their menstruation cycle

Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls. It's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman.Menstruation can be confusing, just like a lot of the other changes that come with puberty. Some girls can't wait to start their periods. Others may feel afraid or anxious. Many girls (and most guys!) don't have a complete understanding of a woman's reproductive system or what actually happens during the menstrual cycle. That can make the process seem even more mysterious.

Girls usually start to go through puberty between the ages of 8 and 13. Their bodies and minds change in many ways. Hormones kick off changes like growth and breast development. About 2 to 2½ years after a girl's breasts begin to develop, she usually gets her first menstrual period.

Just to shed light on the very fact, women do have a urethra and that is the point from where they actually wee from. Menstruation blood comes out from an entirely different area.

2. Labia minora can tells its past.

Men think that the bigger it is, the more active she had been in bed in her past. Honestly speaking, you would be very much glad to know that the size of labia may vary from woman to woman, and it can’t be used as a perimeter to determine whether she is licentious or not

The size of the Labia minora depends on various factors

  • Loss of the weight
  • growing older
  • Another factor is your perception

3. All women have Big lemons

They don't all have massive nipples.Some do, some don't. Try not to act surprised, either way.That is an utter nonsense. Women don't contemplate on the similar lines as men. Breast size varies vastly from one woman to the next, an average weight is difficult to calculate.“However, an average estimate of breast weight is approximately 1.5 pounds 

Since nipple and areola size are related to breast size, it's fair to say that size is hereditary. But a number of other factors also impact breast size, like age, diet, pregnancy, menstruation and overall body weight.

4. Women's breasts are always full of milk

Breastfeeding is an amazing, natural occurrence that women have been practising since the beginning of time as a way to feed their babies. A woman’s breasts have milk glands in them which are activated by pregnancy and begin the process of producing breast milk almost as soon as a woman gets pregnant.

Well, a woman is blessed to feed her baby with the purest form of nutrition when she gives birth. So when does women body actually start producing milk? It just depends on how you look at it. What do you consider the first step in production? If it is when the glands are triggered to start their job it is early in the first trimester. If it is when you first notice colostrum then it would occur at whatever point your body started leaking it, possibly in the second trimester, often not till birth. If it is when the white milk starts to flow then it happens within your baby’s first 72 hours of life. 

5. Women don't Masturbate

Men are born being like, "Oh, when I touch my penis, I enjoy it" and then that's that. Women have a whole situation going on down there that can be a lot harder to figure out. Women generally aren’t comfortable talking about self-pleasure. Yes, I’m talking about masturbation, but it’s so much more than that. It involves being in control and exploring our own physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and sexual needs.

Another of those mistaken beliefs that men have about their opposite gender is that women don't do anything to self-pleasure themselves. Don’t know whether a revelation of this fact is going to amaze you or give you a shock wave, but women do enjoy pleasuring themselves in the same way and some of them may be more dynamically involved in this drill as equated to men. After all, it’s all about keeping oneself happy and constant. 

6. Genital can gulp certain things.

Her genitals is not a ploy. At the most, you can misplace a rubber inside but that can be repossessed easily. To all’s respite, there is a concluding at the top of the private area that forbids encroaching.

A vagina is not a trap! At the most, you can lose a condom inside but that can be retrieved easily. To everybody's relief, there is a closing at the top of the vagina that prohibits trespassing. 

8. Excessive period pain is normal

First of all, mensuration cramps don't always hurt and it differs from woman to woman. Furthermore, going through this process of bleeding every month for 3-5 days isn't normal and may perhaps combine with discomfort for a worse situation. It is certainly a big deal lest unquestionably, you don't have to experience it.

While menstrual cramps is something every woman goes through when she’s on her periods, excessive pain during periods is not a normal thing. There are chances that the woman might have an ovarian cyst or something more serious. So the next time your girlfriend/ wife/ sister complains about it, take it a little more seriously and get a check up done, just in case. 

9. Premenstrual syndrome is used by Women as weapon

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the one to two weeks before a woman's period. Symptoms often vary between women and resolve around the start of bleeding. Common symptoms include acne, tender breasts, bloating, feeling tired, irritability, and mood changes. Often symptoms are present for around six days. A woman's pattern of symptoms may change over time. Symptoms do not occur during pregnancy or following menopause.

Just imagine a vessel full of water which is about to simmer but is shielded with a cover. How do you anticipate the cover to act in response? Well, do I need to explain any more?

10. Bra acts as a tool to seduce

A Bra is a form-fitting undergarment designed to support a woman's breasts.Bras can enhance or minimise the size of breasts, create cleavage, and in the case of nursing bras, aid breast-feeding. Bras are as important for women as are the undergarments for men. No woman would want their pair giving in completely to the gravitational pull.

Informal surveys have found that many women began wearing bras to be fashionable, to conform to social or maternal pressure, or for physical support. Women sometimes wear bras because they mistakenly believe they prevent sagging breasts.Very few cited comfort as the reason and very less suggests seduction as a reason.

11. Women are not naturally bushy

Just because you haven't encountered a hairy woman, for obvious reasons, it does not conclude that women are hairless. Women like to be presentable and ensure they do not give you a reason to be pissed off, which you sure will be in case you have to shake hands with an equally hairy female hand.

You have no idea how women get through waxing appointments just to look hairless. And even then, it’s only their arms and legs that manage to look slightly hairless. Blame those hair removal cream advertisements but unlike popular belief,they have hair on their arms, legs, stomach, back and other body parts, just like men do.

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