30 Stunning Photographs That Capture The World In Faces

One planet, hundreds of countries, billions of people, yet one diverse but unified world. We are surrounded by art, each face that we see is a masterpiece, the world is indeed a humongous art gallery. But seldom do we stop, examine, and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. We shun the dark skinned, make fun of the browns and tan the whites. We create divisions and then submit to discrimination based on those divisions. But not anymore! Prepare to be exposed to an entirely different view of the people around the world. These spectacular photographs by photographer Alexander Khimushin as a part of his project "The World in Faces" will make you appreciate the diversity in cultures and unveil the beauty in it.

Ixil Maya girl

Ixil Maya girl Guatemala

Hamar Tribe woman

Hamar Tribe woman Ethiopia

Mongolian Tuvan man

Mongolian Tuvan man Mongolia

Nyangatom tribe woman

Nyangatom tribe woman Ethiopia

Meitei man

Meitei man North East India

Mursi Tribe girl

Mursi Tribe girl Ethiopia

Mam Maya man

Mam Maya man Guatemala

Tsemay Tribe girl

Tsemay Tribe girl Ethiopia

Daasanech Tribe woman

Daasanech Tribe woman Ethiopia

Afghanistan Wakhi woman
Afghanistan Wakhi woman Afghanistan

Ladakhi woman
Ladakhi woman India

Rajasthani man

Rajasthani man India

Karo Tribe woman

Karo Tribe woman Ethiopia

Afar woman
Afar woman North East Ethiopia

Japanese girl
Japanese girl Japan

Sahrawi man
Sahrawi man Sakhara

Samoan boy

Samoan boy Samoa

K'iche' Maya man

K'iche' Maya man Guatemala

Mauritanian girl 

Mauritanian girl Mauritania

Konso Tribe woman

Konso Tribe woman Ethiopia

Tibetan man
Tibetan man India-China border

Somaliland man
Somaliland man Somaliland state

Shughnani girl
Shughnani girl Tajikistan

Bodi Tribe man
Bodi Tribe man Ethiopia

Buryat man

Buryat man Russia

Kaqchikel Maya girl

Kaqchikel Maya girl Guatemala

Uzbek man

Uzbek man Uzbekistan

Kyrgyz man

Kyrgyz man Kyrgyzstan

Djiboutian girl

Djiboutian girl Djibouti

Xhosa woman
Xhosa woman South Africa

Aren't these portraits of ordinary yet extraordinary people around the world absolutely amazing?

There are hundreds of unique ethnic minority groups in the world. These people are just incredible. However due to globalisation, economic hardship, wars, racism and religious discrimination, many of them are living on the edge, losing national identity, language, traditions and in many cases facing total extinction. Watching it all happening before my eyes I came up with an idea of the photo project The World in Faces.

The idea is simple. I want to show diversity of the world we are all living in by taking portraits of its incredible people. If we all realise how unique and amazing we, the people, are, we will care more about each other, be more tolerant to people of another ethnicity, religion and culture. I have been taking portraits for this project for the last two years and plan to continue. My dream is to take portraits of people of all ethnic minorities of the world and publish a photo book about them, raising awareness of issues they're facing today

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