Top 10 Most Selfish People You'll Ever Hear About

There are a lot of people in the world, thank goodness, who always put others first and who go out of their way to help people in need. But what about the other end of the spectrum? What about those people who always seem to think of themselves before others, and who always take the biggest slice of cake or the last cookie?

When AskReddit posted the question "What's the most selfish thing you've ever witnessed?" Some of the answers were truly shocking

1. Broken brothers.
Through a mistake, my brother received a free iPod. This was during a time when they were really blowing up. I offered him $70 for it because this was how much I had saved up so far in order to buy one for myself. He said no because he could get more for it online. Fine. About a year later I was saving up for a new digital camera and he offers to sell me his because he got a new one for Christmas. I pay him $200 for it and he mails it to me (we lived in different states at the time). I get it and it won't turn on. I call him and he says yeah it's broken, that's why I got a new one. Wouldn't give me my money back. I don't talk to him much anymore.

2. Selfish sister.
I once was involved in a matter where a man committed suicide. A fund was put together by his friends and managed by his sister to raise money for his funeral, burial and some other cash to tide over some debts etc.
His sister took the money, went on holiday and blew it all and when asked about it said, "He's dead, why does he matter?"

3. Gambling with relationships
My brother using his girlfriend's child's bank account to commit fraud due to his gambling addiction. The kid was no older than 4 at the time, it was intended as an account for grandparents and other family members to put money in over time for him to have at 18. He stole all the money and attempted to get credit with the account.

4. Scandal in Subway
First thing that comes to mind, a women was in line at Subway and didn't have enough money for both her and her child's sandwich. She chose to pay for her own sandwich and had the worker throw away the child's. The woman simply told the kid he could eat later.

5. Feckless father
Every birthday and Christmas, my siblings and I had the choice between receiving a gift from my parents or having $100 put in our bank account for post-secondary school. I loved learning as a child so I did what most children wouldn't have - money in the bank. When my Father cheated on my Mom, he drained all our bank accounts (including our college savings) prior to leaving

6. Birthday bother
Once I worked with a woman who was about to have her first baby. Her water broke on her birthday and she started to go into labor. She said she purposely tried to stop labor and waited until a few days later to go to the hospital because she didn't want to share her birthday with her baby because she said it was "her day".
She ended up having a very bad time delivering because she had waited so long to seek medical help.
Hands down most selfish thing I've ever heard.

7. Thanksgiving trouble.

Witnessed my manager tell her crying son he "needs to shut up and stop crying because you aren't going to grandma's for Thanksgiving, we're going shopping because I want a new video game."
He was begging her to go see his family, literally shaking because was was crying so hard. She eventually just walked away from him and left him to cry.

8. Stair struggles
When I was like 11, my mum slipped a disc in her back and she was literally in agony. Anyway, she couldn't get up the stairs but my (incredibly physically strong) dad refused to help her because he'd had 'a long day' so he went for a nap on the sofa while my mum literally had to crawl up the stairs to her bed. It's the only time to this day I've seen her cry. That really stuck with me, and from now on I'll always go out of my way to help someone in pain out (accident or just chronic pain and struggling while out and about) if they want the help, no matter how much it'll inconvenience my day/how tired I am or whatever.

9. Greedy Dad
After I left my ex, I came to an agreement with him where he would get visitation, but since I had no car or license, he would have to pick them up and bring them home, and I would put gas in his car (I said I would give him gas, not money, because I was not going to give him party money). When he dropped them off, he got so mad that I had a can of gas, rather than money to give him, that he drove off and never saw them again. Honestly, both me and my kids are way better for it, but damn, throwing away kids over 5 dollars is literally the most selfish, most terrible thing I have ever seen someone do.

10. Penny-pinching parents
These two girls I knew in middle school, their parents were poor. Actually, it was their mom and her boyfriend. I went over to their house one day and saw that while the parents had a furnished bedroom, the girls just had mattresses on the floor and all their clothes were just folded on the floor.

In the kitchen, there was a pantry that had a scant amount of crappy food that no one like's to eat. But above the stove was the parent's pantry filled with yummy stuff. They were not allowed to watch the boyfriend's TV or play his video games. Also, what little amount of money they had extra, they spent it on pot. It's sad how neglected these girls were.

Have you Ever met such type of people ?
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