Is Kizomba Dance The Most Amazing Sensual Dance In The World? (Video)

You must have come across a lot of dance forms. The one featured in this article - 'Kizomba Dance' is considered as the most sensual dance form across the globe all because of its uniqueness. The fascination part of this dance form comes from its exotic nature and beats. It is sort of today's salsa. Take a look at what happened at International Kizomba Flashmob in Mexico. It is usually danced in pairs but looks good in group too

There are dance forms like 'Bharatanatyam' where the performer wears ethnic attire.
Bharatanatyam's theoretical foundations trace to the ancient Sanskrit text Natya Shastra,its existence by 2nd century CE is noted in the ancient Tamil epic Silappatikaram, while temple sculptures of 6th to 9th century CE suggest it was a well refined performance art by mid 1st millennium CE.Bharatanatyam is quite possibly the oldest classical dance tradition of India.

And then there is 'Belly Dancing' which requires a lot of belly exposure.
 Is anything sexier than Belly Dancing exists?Belly dance is an expressive dance which emphasizes complex movements of the torso.Originally a Middle Eastern folk dance, it has evolved to take many different forms depending on the country and region, both in costume and dance style. New styles have evolved in the West as its popularity has spread globally

Which dance form is the most sensual one?

Kizomba Dance is the most sensual of all. This picture might give you a hint. 

Kizomba is one of the most popular genres of dance originating in Angola. Unlike semba, kizomba music is characterised by a slower and usually very romantic

This moving style is quite new and is a standout dance form. Not mainstream!
Kizomba music was born in late-1970s Africa. On this basis, kizomba music emerged as a more modern music genre with a sensual touch mixed with African rhythm and Haitian Kompa. Unlike Semba, Kizomba music is characterised by a slower and usually very romantic rhythm. Most kizomba songs are sung in Portuguese

Kizomba has it's trademark beat and is normally developed from an Angolan semba. 
Today, Cape Verdean singers and producers have gained a wide popularity with many famous kizomba compilations, including singers such as Suzanna Lubrano, Kaysha, Atim, Nilton Ramalho,Johnny Ramos, Nelson Freitas, Mika Mendes, Cedric Cavaco, Elji, Looney Johnson, Klazzik, Mark G, To Semedo, Klaudio Ramos, M&N Pro, Gilson, and one of the greats in the Cape Verdean culture Gil. Original influential music styles from Cape Verde are funana, morna, coladeira and batuque. Thanks to the French Antilles Kompa music and the strong influence of semba (from Angola), Cape Verdean singers have developed significantly Kizomba and zouk (mixing it with coladeira) known as cabo love or cola-dance. Moreover, every lusophone country has developed its own Kizomba music flavour

Lots of girls doing it in group can raise the temperature quite high! 
Kizomba is an evolution of the traditional dances of Angola semba. However, it is evident that kizomba dance as we know it today evolved after the vogue of kizomba music. Since the 1950s, Angolan people used to dance semba. In the 1990s, when the actual kizomba music got more and more popular, Angolan semba dancers started to adapt their semba steps according to the tempo and flavour of the Kizomba beats

My reaction when I first came across this. Totally Jaw-dropping! 

Check out the video for more!

Which is your favourite dance style ?
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