Here's How The Cast Of 'Game Of Thrones' Looks In Real Life And It's Simply Unbelievable

What's not to like about 'Game of Thrones'? Casting -- perfect, costumes-- perfect, sets/locations--perfect, women-- hot, men-- *drools*, graphics-- perfect, makeup-- uber perfect! Game of Thrones' creators are so obsessed (in a good way, of course) with the quality, that they have their own 'Quality Control Team'. Check this video on how they achieved the most difficult and unique challenge with such efficiency. 

Speaking of make-up, do you know how 'Game of Thrones' characters look like in real life. Some look meh, and some will widen your eyes for sure. 

So, I'm holding the door for you. Have a look at the list and go Valar Shockulis!

1. Bella Ramsay as Lyanna Mormont.

2. Hannah Murray as Gilly.

3. John Bradley-West as Samwell Tarly.

4. Kae Alexander as Leaf.

5. Vladimir Furdik as the Night King.

6. Joseph Mawle as Benjen Stark.

7. Eleanor 'Ellie' Kendrick as Anne Frank.

Kristian Nairn as Hodor.

9. Max Von Sydow as the Three-Eyed Raven.

10. Isaac Hempstead Wright as Bran Stark.

11. Thomas Wlaschiha as Jaqen H'ghar.

12. Faye Marsay as The Waif.

13. Maisie Williams as Arya Stark.

14. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jamie Lannister

15. Jerome Flynn as Bronn.

16. Daniel Portman as Podrick.

17. Gwendolyn Christie as Brienne of Tarth.

18. Aiden Gillen as Petyr Baelish.

19. Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark.

20. Ian Whyte as Wun Wun.

21. Art Parkinson as Rickon Stark.

22. Natalia Tena as Osha.

23. Michael McElhatton as Roose Bolton.

24. Iwan Rheon as Ramsay Bolton.

25. Owen Teale as Ser Alliser.

26. Kristofer Hivju as Tormund Giantsbane.

27. Liam Cunningham as Ser Davos Seaworth.

                                                    28. Carice Van Houten as Melisandre.

                                                       29. Kit Harington as Jon Snow.

30. Michael Huisman as Daario Naharis.

31. Iain Glen as Jorah Mormont.

Gemma Whelan as Yara Greyjoy.

33. Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy.

34. Conleth Hill as Varys.

35. Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister.

36. Jacob Anderson as Grey Worm.

37. Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei.

38. Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen.

39. Julian Glover as Maester Pycelle.

40. Dean-Charles Chapman as Tommen Baratheon.

41. Hannah Waddingham as Septa Unella.

42. Eugene Simon as Lancel Lannister.

43. Roger-Ashton Griffiths as Mace Tyrell.

44. Finn Jones as Loras Tyrell.

45. Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell.

46. Jonathan Pryce as The High Sparrow.

47. Lena Heady as Cersei Lannister.

48. Brennock O'Connor as Olly.

49. Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson as Ser Gregor Clegane.


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