Easy And Painless Ways To Remove Unwanted Facial Hair

Some people enjoy their facial hair, but others have too much of it to feel comfortable. Luckily, there are various methods you can try at home to get rid of unwanted hair.

Check out these four simple methods below.

1. Hair removal using baking soda

You should only do this DIY method before you go to bed

Here are the steps

First, boil 200 milliliters of water and put a tablespoon of baking soda in it. Mix them well and let the combination cool down. Use cotton or a gauze for soaking and let it dry for a while. Apply the wet cotton on the areas where you want to get rid of the unwanted hair and then sleep. In the morning, add nourishing cream on the same areas. After 2 to 3 tries, your hair will start to fall off.

2. Folk remedy using plain pharmacy iodine
For this one, you should have 40 milliliters of 70 percent alcohol, 1.5 milliliters of ammonium, 2 milliliters of iodine, 10 milliliters of castor oil, and about 10 percent hydroxide.

3. Learning to mix
Simply mix all of the ingredients together and wait until the result becomes colorless. Rub this mixture on the areas with unwanted hair during the morning and the evening. The hair will likely be removed after a couple of days.

4. Folk remedy utilizing nettle oil
This method was actually very popular way back in the 17th century, especially among the beautiful ladies.

5. Early prepartion
Once you have about three tablespoons of nettle oil, you should pour 100 milliliters of vegetable oil into it. Let it stay like that for two weeks in a warm location.

6. After two weeks
Put the mixture in a glass jar by using a strainer. Don't forget to close the jar. Each night, get a cotton or gauze to soak in the nettle oil. Apply it to the affected areas and let it stay for an hour.

7. After an hour of application
Wash your face afterwards with soap and lukewarm water. Repeat this until the hair falls off.

8. Facial hair removal using garlic
Get some freshly made garlic juice and apply it to the affected areas. Use it a couple of times each day.

9. Expected duration
For each try, leave the garlic juice on the affected areas for 30 minutes. Afterwards, wash your face using warm after and don't forget to put some cream.

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